Computer Security & Privacy Laboratory
Computer Security & Privacy Laboratory

The CSPL Group at the Washington University in St. Louis works on research problems in the general area of computer system security. We push the frontiers of computer science, computer engineering, and healthcare. Some of our latest works focus on system security and cyber-physical security. Our research is supported by NSF, ARO, DHS, DOE, Mastercard and Intel.

Research Interests

System Security

Secure execution environment
Architecture side-channel

AI Security

Trustworthy AI
Big data privacy
Software vulnerability discovery

CPS/IoT Security

Security in safety critical system
Cyber resiliency in IoT
Analog attacks on CPS sensors
- Our work on LLM security has received the Distinguished Paper Award from Usenix Security 2024!
- Dr. Zhang has received the ARO Early Career Program (ECP) award to develop the foundation of cyber-physical reasoning!
- Our work on voice deepfake prevention has won the FTC voice cloning challenge! [FTC Press Release][NPR]
- Our work on reasoning across real-time, control, and system security is accepted to RTSS 23, and received the Outstanding Paper Award!
- Our work on mobile system received the Best Paper Award and the Distinguished Paper Award at DSN 23!
- Dr. Zhang has received the NSF CAREER award to develop the system availability foundation for real-time CPS.
- We joined COVID-19 CTI League to help to defend against cyber threats on life-saving sectors.
- Congratulations to Ruide for defending his PhD dissertation and joining ByteDance/TikTok full-time.
- Our CTF team won both STLCyberCon CTF and STLCyberCup Hackathon [News]
- Congratulations to Ruide Zhang for winning the runner-up award for the Confidential Computing Challenge (C3) by Google and Intel [Press]
- Congratulations to Ryan Xu for winning the first place in the Deloitte CTF challenge [News]